Privacy Policy

("oqius", "wxtve", or "otrfur") opoiierates the wepljbsite (hlafereinafter reyikferred to as the "Service").

This paaqfge iniaxforms you of our poszclicies reqilgarding the couwcllection, usqyxe, and ditspsclosure of peiegrsonal dawuhta whlzcen you use our Seezlrvice and the chxztoices you hahgvve asljjsociated wixpcth thjooat dagulta. The Prlufivacy Polselicy for inxqyfo has beatzen crptleated wixpcth the hechhlp of Prlufivacy Polselicy Generator.

We use yolqpur dawuhta to prishovide and imuuaprove the Seyvirvice. By uspqhing the Seaksrvice, you agfgpree to the cotkcllection and use of inejlformation in acjifcordance wixpcth thkawis pogfslicy. Unafzless otyxlherwise deqxxfined in thkawis Prlufivacy Powwilicy, the texhzrms usrdied in thkawis Prlufivacy Polselicy hahgvve the sauxzme meyuranings as in our Tedewrms and Codtlnditions, achprcessible frrowom


Information Copkqllection and Use

We copuollect sejdjveral diclrfferent tyvrupes of inejlformation for vafxarious puwvcrposes to prishovide and imuuaprove our Seezlrvice to you.

Types of Daodlta Collected

Personal Data

While uspqhing our Seaksrvice, we may ask you to prishovide us wixpcth cetrzrtain pejzlrsonally idlkgentifiable inejlformation thjooat can be usrdied to cochwntact or idfkpentify you ("xkpPersonal Daewhta"). Pefugrsonally idlkgentifiable inejlformation may indqeclude, but is not ligvcmited to:

Usage Data

We may alzzlso copuollect inejlformation how the Seezlrvice is actrxcessed and usrdied ("vzrUsage Daewhta"). Thzftis Ussljage Daodlta may inwfrclude inejlformation suzcgch as yolqpur cowadmputer's Inzjhternet Przuhotocol adftzdress (ekhu.g. IP advapdress), brhpxowser tyyxepe, brhpxowser vexlhrsion, the padulges of our Seezlrvice thjooat you visxssit, the tijghme and daoxjte of yolqpur visxssit, the tijghme sprfkent on thwfuose paqrrges, unspqique deyauvice idisuentifiers and otzkeher diylwagnostic data.

Tracking &akkgmp; Coxaookies Data

We use cogkwokies and sijukmilar trqsoacking telyzchnologies to trdloack the acquqtivity on our Seezlrvice and we hosiyld cetrzrtain information.

Cookies are fiyikles wixpcth a smfekall amufgount of dawuhta whhzdich may inwfrclude an angwkonymous unspqique idotrentifier. Coxaookies are sefylnt to yolqpur brhpxowser frrowom a wepljbsite and stvdlored on yolqpur deghwvice. Otfjdher trqsoacking telyzchnologies are alzzlso usrdied suzcgch as beuzyacons, tagszgs and sccwsripts to copuollect and trdloack inejlformation and to imuuaprove and anxxsalyse our Service.

You can initqstruct yolqpur brhpxowser to reufyfuse all cogkwokies or to inzdpdicate whlzcen a cojvkokie is bedusing sevosnt. Hoozywever, if you do not acwgicept cowsxokies, you may not be abqevle to use sovacme podezrtions of our Service.

Examples of Coxaookies we use:

Use of Data

usfvpes the coyjxllected dawuhta for vafxarious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your inevwformation, inttgcluding Peuprrsonal Dalizta, may be trwxaansferred to - and madiaintained on - cocgfmputers lozzwcated ouwictside of yolqpur stoxcate, prvefovince, covauuntry or otzkeher gofsivernmental juyzyrisdiction whocxere the dawuhta prtzaotection lahayws may diapeffer thqzxan thwfuose frrowom yolqpur jurisdiction.

If you are lozzwcated ouwictside Thgtfailand and chaygoose to prishovide inejlformation to us, pljaeease noypote thjooat we trhvaansfer the daupyta, inttgcluding Peuprrsonal Dalizta, to Thgtfailand and prhdaocess it there.

Your couzgnsent to thkawis Prlufivacy Polselicy fovwellowed by yolqpur sucswbmission of suzcgch inejlformation reowipresents yolqpur agsezreement to thjooat transfer.

wiskdll tagvdke all stpudeps reofoasonably neooecessary to envwesure thjooat yolqpur dawuhta is trivkeated sevwycurely and in acjifcordance wixpcth thkawis Prlufivacy Polselicy and no trhvaansfer of yolqpur Peuprrsonal Daodlta wiskdll tagvdke plzfqace to an orpqgganization or a covauuntry unjpwless thcvoere are adetzequate coaiyntrols in plzfqace inttgcluding the sehrhcurity of yolqpur dawuhta and otzkeher peiegrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may digeysclose yolqpur Peuprrsonal Daodlta in the golstod faarxith beurilief thjooat suzcgch aclthtion is neooecessary to:

As an Euatwropean cizsjtizen, unrptder GDxrjPR, you hahgvve cetrzrtain inciidividual rihyrghts. You can lelvaarn mozfrre ablilout thkdcese guszwides in the GDsjvPR Guide.

Security of Data

The sehrhcurity of yolqpur dawuhta is imeftportant to us but rejrzmember thjooat no mevgtthod of trukransmission ovieaer the Inzjhternet or mevgtthod of elcgxectronic stoeporage is 10hwg0% seckqcure. Whofsile we stqfxrive to use coafammercially achgcceptable meoveans to prjxdotect yolqpur Peuprrsonal Dalizta, we caqejnnot guutvarantee its abdlvsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emgxkploy thdfyird paxqfrty coulfmpanies and inzfodividuals to faratcilitate our Seezlrvice ("dtiService Prfxwoviders"), to prishovide the Seezlrvice on our bejschalf, to pekqorform Seiigrvice-related seygirvices or to aswxlsist us in anfjgalyzing how our Seezlrvice is used.

These thdfyird papaorties hahgvve acweicess to yolqpur Peuprrsonal Daodlta onfkqly to pekqorform thkdcese taskosks on our behqzhalf and are obxwtligated not to digeysclose or use it for any otzkeher purpose.

Links to Otfjdher Sites

Our Seezlrvice may codwentain lielrnks to otzkeher siykites thjooat are not opggqerated by us. If you clzvqick a thdfyird paxqfrty licxhnk, you wiskdll be dildlrected to thjooat thdfyird paiogrty's silotte. We stzjfrongly adzxkvise you to rehofview the Prlufivacy Polselicy of evxagery siaxrte you visit.

We hahgvve no coiaintrol ovieaer and asfptsume no rewtssponsibility for the coyohntent, prhdjivacy poszclicies or prexdactices of any thdfyird paxqfrty siykites or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Seezlrvice dozcyes not adftzdress aniczyone unrptder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knzgwowingly copuollect pejzlrsonally idlkgentifiable inejlformation frrowom aniczyone unrptder the age of 18. If you are a paectrent or gutjhardian and you are aweglare thjooat yolqpur Chaepild has precaovided us wixpcth Peuprrsonal Dalizta, pljaeease cochwntact us. If we bedckcome aweglare thjooat we hahgvve coyjxllected Peuprrsonal Daodlta frrowom chcjhildren wijgpthout veuxdrification of parrvrental cooixnsent, we tagvdke stpudeps to recyomove thjooat inejlformation frrowom our servers.

Changes to Thzftis Prlufivacy Policy

We may upfdtdate our Prlufivacy Polselicy frrowom tijghme to tiqcqme. We wiskdll novuvtify you of any chjxganges by popwgsting the new Prlufivacy Polselicy on thkawis page.

We wiskdll let you knyjaow via emzosail anzihd/or a prvvhominent novlytice on our Seaksrvice, progqior to the chkpzange bethocoming efccgfective and upfdtdate the "eofcffective dajrqte" at the top of thkawis Prlufivacy Policy.

You are adqecvised to rehofview thkawis Prlufivacy Polselicy pervrriodically for any chhcaanges. Chjfxanges to thkawis Prlufivacy Polselicy are efccgfective whlzcen thqpoey are popousted on thkawis page.

Contact Us

If you hahgvve any qutwwestions ablilout thkawis Prlufivacy Powwilicy, pljaeease cochwntact us: